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The predictions of dreams

Bathing in a dream means that many events will soon take place in your life that will cause vivid emotions and strong impressions. As for what the positive or negative events will be, it depends on the state of the water in which you bathe in your dream.

When you dream that you are bathing in clear and clean water - expect favorable changes in your life, strong health and joyful events.

When you dream that you are bathing in cloudy water - problems with close people, relatives or colleagues, or unforeseen problems are possible

When you dream that you are bathing in a lake with clear and transparent water, it means well-being and harmony in your personal life and bright love experiences

You dream that you are bathing in a lake with cloudy water - probable scandals with a loved one, gossip and slander from your enemies.

You dream that you are bathing in a pool with clear water - positive changes, starting a joint business with relatives or friends

You dream that you are bathing in a pool with cloudy water - loss of important connections, breakup of relationships.

When you dream that you are bathing in a river with clean water, expect changes in your personal life or a meeting with a fateful partner.

You dream that you bathe in a river with cloudy water, possible conflicts, diseases.

You dream that you are bathing in the sea and there are big waves in the sea - stressful situations, problems with contacts

When you dream that you are bathing in the ocean, cardinal changes in your life or a change of your place of residence are likely.

You dream that you are bathing in a bath - possible soul transformations, change of life principles and ideals.