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The language of sight

The eyes are the mirror of the soul. This is actually because our psyche connects with them. In order to understand what is wrong with a person's soul, we need to know the language of the gaze - that is, the movement of the eyes in their situation.

Eyes wide open for high receptivity to what is happening at the moment.

If they are slightly covered with eyelids - this is a sign of indifference, arrogance, boredom or simply fatigue.

Narrowed eyes testify to concentration and great attention.

The direct gaze, when the face is completely turned towards the interlocutor, speaks of trust, interest and an open axis towards the interlocutor.

A look from the side with the corners of the eyes indicates some mistrust

If a person is looking at you from top to bottom, slightly tilting his head forward. It means that he feels his superiority or despises you.

A fleeting glance is a sign of deception, betrayal or guilt.

When your interlocutor does not look you in the eye, it means insecurity, modesty and even shyness.

You can tell about the attitude of your interlocutor towards you by how long he looks into your eyes. If you look very rarely, it means that he is not listening to you at all or the topic of the conversation concerns him.

Knowing these features of people's gaze, they can very quickly and accurately understand what kind of person their interlocutor is.