There is such a custom to throw a coin into a fountain, but not everyone knows that the coin can be thrown in order to fulfill a wish or attract success.
Coin toss for luck
What does the ritual consist of?
It all depends on the intention and the enormous energy of water. Water is known to be able to store information and convert it into energy. A coin thrown into water with a certain intention gives direction to the energy of the water.
So where do we toss a lucky coin?
In a river - to change your life
In a stream - to save your relationship with a specific person
In the sea - to be healthy and protect the health of loved ones. When tossing the coin, you must name the name of your loved one.
In a waterfall - for protection from negative influences
A coin can be thrown not only in water but also in other places.
To get rid of depression, bad mood, worries - the coin is thrown into a ditch or gorge.
In order to have protection from negative energy, the coin must be thrown through the left shoulder and be called: Everything bad that comes to me through the left shoulder is thrown by me and nothing affects my body and thought.
In order to get rid of problems, diseases, negative programs, the coin must be thrown at a crossroads over the left shoulder and called: Paid.
For these rituals, it is good to use a coin that has been with you for a long time or a coin that was returned to you as change in the store.
When performing the ritual, it is very important to set yourself up that you will get the desired result.
We wish you luck!