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Do not sew before traveling!

When the suitcases are packed and there are only a few minutes left before departure, never sew on a suddenly torn button. Do not pick up the needle at all! Otherwise, according to an old belief, misfortune will overtake you on the way. Is it real?

No doubt! First, in the hustle and bustle, you will definitely sew on the button or patch the hole anyway. As a result, you will go on the road in a bad mood, and this can become the cause of serious problems and misunderstandings.

Second, by doing the mending of clothing you can plain and simple get stuck and miss the train or the plane.

Thirdly, working with the needle you switch your attention to sewing, it is possible then to forget or miss something important.

In addition, in haste we sew the garment while it is on us, so no wonder we injure ourselves, which is not at all appropriate before. But even the stabbing is not the worst. By piercing the garment with the needle, we damage our energy sheath. And it takes time to recover.

If you, despite the popular omens, have decided to take a risk and sew a long way before leaving the house, say the following spell: I am walking - your name with me, the Holy Spirit, God's seal on me, I do not take the enemy with me. Amen.