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Practical magic

Making a career is not an easy task. It requires maximum dedication. But sometimes all efforts go to waste, your boss looks askance at you, your ideas and suggestions are not taken into account, the signature of the leave request is difficult to get. What to do in such a case?

Magicians call this situation "invisible wall", but people should not despair through magical rituals, they have the opportunity to turn the situation to their advantage. To choose the most effective method, determine which of the images of superiors listed below corresponds to your case.

The iron hand

He is extremely demanding of himself and his subordinates, hardly makes compromises, lives only for work and the enterprise. Such problems with family, children, parents make no impression on him at all.

How to return its location?

When communicating with the chief, do the following magical ritual, join the thumb and forefinger of your left hand so that the letter O is obtained.

Do not appear in front of his eyes in red or bright pink - this outfit of yours will irritate the naked man even more. Be more careful when choosing ornaments. It is best to wear silver bracelets or chains, and you should give up gold.

The snotty boss

The greatest happiness for him is to feel his importance. He loves to dominate and show his power. If some of the subordinates have changed jobs, he will punish them for their willfulness. The subordinates of the "slutty seam" live in constant fear, you never know what you can expect from him. He makes all his decisions depending on his mood.

How to help yourself in this case?

While talking to him, keep the index and middle finger of your left hand crossed.

When you go to work, you should not wear black clothes, wear as few ornaments as possible. The ideal option is to wear a gold chain with a cross or with your zodiac sign or a ring with a stone suitable for your zodiac sign.

Blow up dust

A boss who doesn't really get into things and prefers to let the work process take its course. He usually comes to work around noon and rarely stays until the end of the working day. Transfers his work to his deputies or associates. Tai is always willing to listen to your proposal, but it is unlikely that it will come to fruition.

During your conversations with him, press the index and middle finger of the left hand to each other. When you go to work, do not wear white and yellow clothes, forget about chains and rings for a while.

A universal favorite

Your boss is smart, decent and good. He well understands the needs of his subordinates, easily makes compromises, knows that every person has weaknesses and shortcomings. But the "universal favorite" has one drawback: he easily succumbs to influence and accepts gossip and intrigue at face value.

How to return its location?

Every time you talk to him, keep the little finger of your left hand pressed against your palm.

Don't wear gray clothes. Of the ornaments, prefer earrings and rings.

We wish you luck!