Every person has a guardian angel. Our invisible helpers help us, support and protect us from all kinds of troubles, but alas, not all of us feel help from the heavenly patrons. If you feel that you are not doing well, nothing is happening in your personal life as well and problems often arise with finances, then you have probably lost contact with your Guardian Angel.
How do we know who our guardian angel is?
According to many occultists, this is your intuition or inner voice. So also the heavenly protectors can manifest themselves by counsels, signs, and premonitions. To connect with your Guardian Angel, understand him and know more about him, you can use your date of birth. For this you need to add all the numbers of date, month and year. If the number obtained is even, then your guardian angel is male and odd, female.
For example, you were born on June 26, 1978, the sum is 21 or 3
One- Your Guardian Angel is one of the most reliable and good heavenly protectors. This Guardian Angel without any prayers will come to your aid by himself. Such guardian angels have people who have a weak energy field.
Two- Angel of the world, this heavenly patron is depicted with wings. Communicates with people through dreams and mirrors. So if it is your Guardian Angel you should take your dreams seriously.
Three- Angel of Air, these angels are invisible but you can recognize them by the unusual sounds and noises. They help in difficult times and situations.
Four- Angel of wisdom this is a heavenly creature charged with great prudence and intellect. He will do anything to help you. Angela helps to succeed in studies and career. Tai has power over the thoughts of the people he patronizes and protects and suggests how to act correctly.
Five - Angel of metal, these are very strong and brave defenders. They often come to the person when he is crying. Tears feed the Angel's energy. As a rule, this Angel is found in strong and self-confident people. The angel also bestows a long life.
Six- Angel of the rainbow this heavenly being endows people with talents and original thinking. He can lift your spirits even in the most difficult moments. You can make contact with him through creativity.
Seven-Angel of energy they are very changeable to keep them constantly you have to thank them and praise them, then they will be very favorable to you. They suggest the right decision and warn of dangers, but you have to be very careful with them, they are very offensive.
Eight- This Angelic creature originates from relatives or close people, they are very merciful Angels. They always come to help, but you must always remember them.
Nine - Angel of warmth for connection with people, these beings can take the form of deceased acquaintances of ours. They give a person inner harmony and good mood.
Our Guardian Angels always try to help us. To have contact with them we must trust our intuition, give meaning to our dreams and give thanks for everything good and amazing that happens in our life.