Since ancient times, people have known that trees have magical powers and can absorb people. Some trees can relieve pain and regulate a person's energy field, while others, on the contrary, can deprive a person of energy.
Therefore, it is desirable for each person to know his patron tree according to his zodiac sign, in his person he will receive an excellent ally who can easily restore his energy flows. To use the power of the tree you can practice two ways. The first by hugging the tree like a loved one and merging with it and the second by touching your back to it. The choice is personal
Aries - Suitable trees for Aries are: pine, oak, fir. The stars recommend the people of this sign to choose a tree from the above, which has a large crown, and to contact it at the beginning of summer.
Taurus - Chestnut is suitable for men and walnut for women.
Gemini - The patron trees of Gemini are maple and apple. The pear can be used as an energy helper, especially during the flowering period of the tree. Contacts with these trees should be carried out in late summer.
Cancer - weeping willow and walnut are suitable for those born under this sign. It is best to contact the trees in May or August.
Leo - trees suitable for this sign are elm for women and oak for men. They can use the energy of their patron trees in April and September.
Virgo - Virgo is one of the most practical, but at the same time, the most spiritually unstable sign. A source of energy for Virgo is the plum, the hazelnut, and also the apple when the tree is in fruit-bearing period. Suitable months for contact with the trees are July, August and October.
Libra - for the representatives of the zodiac, a strong patron and the birch and linden. Particular attention should be paid to the birch, this tree can stabilize their emotional state, but also deliver them from physical infirmities.
Scorpio - rosehip, hawthorn, chestnut, pine. Contact with the trees is best done in early spring when the trees begin to flower.
Sagittarius - cedar and hornbeam are most suitable for the representatives of the zodiac sign, namely these trees can have a direct impact on the physical and spiritual condition of Sagittarius. March, August and October are suitable times for contact with the trees.
Capricorn - beech, birch, fir are suitable for Capricorn. The most favorable periods for contact with the trees are the days when the snow melts or in late summer.
Aquarius - the most suitable tree for the sign is the linden, and the best time for contact with it is late spring.
Pisces - suitable tree and yew for the representatives of the zodiac sign. The best time to contact him is mid-summer.