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Numbers rule health

Even Pythagoras believed that numbers can influence people in an extraordinary way. There is a whole science of numerology, which makes it possible to predict and predict human destinies through numbers.

The people of the number 1

All people born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, and 28th of every month of the year have a predisposition to heart disease in various forms, such as arrhythmia, impaired blood circulation and, in old age, high blood pressure. They are also prone to eye diseases - astigmatism.

Useful herbs and fruits for people with the number 1 are chamomile, fennel, raisins, lemons, dates. People 1 will also need to consume more honey during their lifetime. They will find that health problems are possible in 19,28,37,55.

The months during which they are vulnerable to diseases are October, December and January

People of the number 2

Or those born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, and 29th of each month are prone to diseases of the stomach or digestive system. It is desirable to include cabbage, turnips, cucumbers, melons, flax seeds in their menu.

The years of their life in which changes in their health condition are likely are: 20,29,47,65. The months during which health problems are possible are January, February and July.

Number 3 people

Those born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, and 30th of each month are prone to overexertion of the nervous system caused by overwork. They are prone to neuroses and various skin diseases. Plants that should be consumed are: beets, strawberries, apples, walnuts, almonds. The following months are dangerous for them: December, June and September. Years with probable health problems are: 3, 12, 21, 30

People of the number 4

Or those born on 4, 13, 31 have a tendency to suffer from foreign diseases that are difficult to diagnose. They are prone to diseases such as anemia, headaches, backaches. Beneficial foods that you should include in your diet are spinach, basil, medlar. In the treatment, if necessary, they can use psychotherapy and hypnosis. They should not use too many painkillers. The months during which health ailments are likely are: August and September. Important years for their health 13,22,31,40,

People of the number 5

Or those born on 5, 14, 23 are prone to nervous diseases and disturbed sleep. They need calmness and sound sleep. Foods that they need to consume are cabbage, carrots, walnuts. Unfavorable months for their health are July, September and December. Possible problems in 14,23,41,50 years of their life.

People of the number 6

Or those born on 6, 15, 24 are prone to diseases of the throat and nose. They usually have a very healthy body, especially if they live in the countryside or do a lot of physical exercise. Suitable foods to include in your diet are legumes, apples, apricots, peaches. Months during which you should avoid overwork are: May, October and November. Years during which health ailments are possible are: 15,24,42,51,60

People of the number 7

Or those born on the 7th, 16th, 25th, of each month are easily irritated and annoyed. These people are extremely sensitive to other people's opinions. They are prone to specific skin diseases. Food products that need to be consumed are: cucumbers, cabbage, grapes, apples, fruit juices. Months during which they should be careful about their health are: February, July, November. Years during which health ailments are likely are 7,16,25,43,52,61 of their life path.

People of the number 8

Or those born on the 8th, 17th, and 25th of each month usually suffer from diseases of the liver, stomach and suffer from frequent headaches. It is desirable to limit the consumption of meat. There should be more fruits and vegetables in their food. Months during which they should be careful about their health are August and December. Years with health problems are 17,35,44,53,62 of their life path.

People of the number 9

Or those born on: 9, 18, 27 are prone to high fever and fevers. It is advisable to avoid fatty food and alcohol. They should include garlic, nettle, ginger in their menu. Months during which health problems are possible are April, May, October. Years with health problems are 18,27,36,45,63 of their life path.