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Minerals that work effectively to maintain women's health

Since ancient times, people have known that minerals have healing properties, unfortunately, in the modern world, they are very skeptical about non-traditional medicine and folk methods for maintaining health.

The most effective way to use the healing powers of minerals is treatment through interaction with the skin. Healing minerals can also be used during massage as a talisman, or simply put on the sore spot for a few minutes.

Minerals can deal with various problems in the body, they work especially well on the female body.

We offer several minerals that work effectively to maintain women's health and beauty.

Beryl - it is believed that if worn on a ring on the hand, it can protect a woman from prolapse of the uterus. This mineral can also protect you from bladder and ovarian problems. The wearer will not suffer from migraines and will be protected from respiratory diseases.

Smoky Quartz - this mineral helps with infertility and can be worn by very active and easily aroused people to calm the nervous system. The mineral helps to overcome depression and apathy more easily. It also has a beneficial effect on the excretory system.

Amber - considered very useful for pregnant women. It also helps with cysts, fibroids and insomnia if placed under the pillow.

Lapis lazuli - the mineral is able to reduce pain, raise vitality and gives mental balance to its owner. It also helps in treating urinary tract stones and back and joint pain.